One Special Day…

One of my favorite places to visit has always been Lancaster, PA.  Sheer anticipation and excitement always was present when taking my young children, friends and even my now husband to experience the simple Amish life and a much slower pace!  My excitement continued Thursday.  This time with a friend from church and her wonderful family.

I received a discount notice for tickets to Sight and Sound’s production of Moses located in Lancaster (they also have a location in Branson, MO).  For most families, discounted tickets is the only way to go.  I reached out to my friend, a young widow from church, to see if she and her children, ages 4-18, would like to go.  I was thrilled that the did!

Despite our difference in age, Mom and I have developed a close relationship over the years. She tragically lost the love of her life and father of her children.  As you can imagine, she continues to experience so many emotions.  Her pain today remains so real.  Although I have never experienced such a loss, I certainly will never forget when a dear friend did.  Through that experience, I’ve been able to genuinely reach out to Mom and her wonderful children.  Was this a coincidence in meeting?  I don’t think so.  Rather, devine intervention.  I’m so happy He did!Moses Lapp IC

With Mom’s van packed, we were off!  What an awesome production!  I continue to be amazed how the show brings the bible to life, fantastic acting, beautiful costumes and the live animals. Did I mention instants smiles could easily be found?

After the show, we had lunch (with Mom’s homemade flat bread) fruit and a drink.  Next stop? The local Amish bulk food store.  Love this store!  Talk about baking and pantry staples at really good prices.  I was amazed as I watched Mom’s cart be filled with huge bags of oatmeal, flour, sugar, morsels, rice and a variety of spices…a nice supply for about “two months.”  If it’s not attached to the table, the kids are enjoying!

We were now heading to the ice cream farm, complete with a drive through!!!  They make their own ice cream and waffle cones…now that’s what I’m talking about!  Delicious!  We all sat in a circle enjoying our special treats!

As the temps were dropping and the wind was picking up – thank goodness for my cane – we quickly headed over to the barn to watch the cattle waiting in line for their evening milking. Simple pleasures of life as the tender cows glanced our way flashing their long eyelashes!

Final destination, home.  Our day was complete.  We talked about plans to return in the spring. I valued this special time together with this wonderful family!  The last few years have been tough as healing continues.  Remembering the Lord will strengthen and guide them each and every step of the way as they lean on Him!

“Count Your Blessings”  



  1. Somehow the trip was made even more special because you were able to share it with some very nice people who I’m sure appreciated being asked…Diane

    • One special family to me Diane! I truly felt so blessed with our time together! We all need to feel loved and supported, that sense of it’s going to be okay! 🙂 Stay warm!

  2. Susan Clark Denny

    Sounds like a wonderful day, and a great experience for those kids! A beautiful gift, you great lady. 🙂

  3. Really was a nice day! Love this family and try to reach out the best I can…you do the very same with your comedy stints. Can’t wait for your Laugh Fest! 🙂

  4. Jill Wismer

    Love Lancaster!!!! Hope they enjoyed it and were truly blessed by Moses & the majesty of the Lords might in providing, protecting & leading His people!

    • Amen to that Sista!!! We’ll head out there again real soon!

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